121. Bureaucracy in Iran: historical and contemporary perespectives
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

122. Capitalism, Land reform, And agricultural development: The case of Iran
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.d.

123. Capitalism and brain-drain: A dialectical analysis of the migration of highly qualified manpower from less developed more developed capitalist countries Iran and the U.S
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

124. Capitalism, land refrom, and agricultural development: the case of Iran
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

125. Career motivation of iranian high school females with an emphasis on social class, parents, and peers
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

126. Ceramic Production And The Development of Complex Polities in Late Prehistoric Southwestern Iran
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

127. Certain aspects of united states - Iranian relations 1883- 1945
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

128. Changes in Spatial Patterns of Development in iran: an Example of Regional Inequality
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

129. Chant in popular Iranian Shi'ism
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

130. Characteristics and genesis of certain soils the southern foothills of central alborz Iran
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

131. Charting educational development )1922-1977( with projections )1977-2000( in the Islamic republic of Iran
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

132. Christian Hymnody in Iran
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

133. Civil Service and Bureauracy in the two Political Poles and in a Developing Nation in the Middle )A Comparative Study of Civil Service and Bureaucracy in the United States of America, The Soviet Union, And, The Iranian Civil Service Reform(
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

134. Civil service reform and social environment indeveloping nations with special reference to iran
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.d.,#Political seiences public administration

135. Climatic Adaptation and Economic Possibilities of Sugar Production in Iran
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

136. Closed circuit television: the Cincinnati experience. ]CD[
Author: Hurley, David C.,by David C. Hurley
Library: Library and Documentation Center of Kurdistan University (Kurdistan)
Subject: Theses. Ph.D. )Criminal Justice( 2002 ، University of Cincinnati

137. Commercialization of technology in developing countries: transfer of pharmaceutical technology of Iran
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.d.,#Economics, Commerce - Business

138. Communication Difficulties iranian Students in The United States
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

139. Communication behavior and political socialization: Media exposure, personal contact, and political tolerance in an international crisis
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D

140. Community Characteristice, Socioeconomic Status, And Fertility In Rural Communities of Iran
Library: Iranology Foundation Library (Tehran)
Subject: #Ph.D